Yesterday I was waiting outside the Debbie Reynolds Dance Studio in North Hollywood to pick up a young woman I was hosting this weekend. As I was waiting a middle-aged-white, homosexual man says to me “Is he yours?” I replied, “Yes, his father is black”. And just went on playing with MY son, but inside, I was a little wounded. I had heard from my mixed friends that growing up they had heard people say such ludicrous things to their own white mothers but that was twenty years ago. I guess I didn’t think that in 2011 where I attend a mommy group with predominately mixed kids and at a time when mixed means so much more than black and white that these sorts of things were still being said. If I had seen this same man holding a Chinese baby girl, I’d be pretty sure he had adopted her and I would have had the where withal to not say something as rude as “Is she yours?” you adopted her, she’s yours. I gave birth to him, he is mine.
Hugs my dearest...There's a special society reserved for mixed kids and their brave mommies. The beautiful thing is when Nehe's older he'll be so confused when people ask if you're his mom or not...We mixies never get it and that simplicity erases all the ignorant questions.